The Armed Tyrannical Republic of Gariston

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Garistian Personalities


In an attempt to acquaint our visitors on the internet with certain characteristic personalities in Gariston so that he can better understand the country, we present the following short descriptions of leading personalities in Gariston.




This great visionary is considered the father figure of all Gariston.  His incomparable insight, knowledge, enlightening wisdom and bravery beyond words have justifiably made him the symbol of the country.  Gary did not live to see his great vision materialized.  This man is thought of as the founder of the nation and the leader during the hard times before the landing on Gariston. 

Gary led the expedition to the new land himself.  However on the way he slipped on a banana peal thrown on the street by Makis and fell to his death!  His last wish was that his followers fulfill the dream and designated Nikos his successor before taking his last breath…

He is a revered personality, a Moses if you will, and the day of his death is commemorated by a military parade in Andelevitsville and a wreath on his statue in the central square of the capital.


Tyrannical President Nikos Papias


The current president of Gariston (and very probably for a long time to come) was born in Athens, Greece.  Convinced of the soundness of Gary’s views he was among the first to urge for the move to a new land.  Politically minded, he founded the FANEP party and met with resounding success in the first elections (and all the ones that followed for that matter).

Authoritarian but sensitive, he puts up with all the whims of Makis (no mean feat!).  For reasons yet unknown he developed the ability to use the so-called “pikouki” which is the ability to send a person to space beyond the stratosphere and in orbit around the earth by the mere strike of his index finger!  Of course he also possesses the power to return the individual safely to earth by simply calling him back!


Makis Vrykolax


A very popular, if not terribly intelligent personage, is Makis whose antics and incomprehensibly mindless remarks have become legendary!  One example would suffice: When the entire country was outraged by the cultists of the Order of Violet who proposed human sacrifices to their so-called “goddess”, Makis’ remark “Give peace a chance!” created a tide of furious statements and led to a government reshuffling!  Also, he created another stir when right after FANEP’s latest electoral victory, he said “I’m overjoyed because I will keep my position”!  This goes a long way towards explaining why Nikos is in the habit of sending him to space so often!


Dennis Symperasmaticos


The current minister of the Interior, followed the expedition to the new land more out of a sense of adventure rather than belief in the vision of Gary, but on landing in what became known as Gariston, he was awed by the land as well as the determination of Gary’s acolytes and decided to stay.  Having had to wrestle with and tie up and lead out of the conferences Makis on more than one occasion, he made himself indispensable to the government and he decided to offer his services to the people who he considered worthy.  This individual that has an uncanny memory, is constantly in the habit of reminding Nikos of all the state matters he forgets.


Professor Wobble


This eminent professor (who takes exception to been called “the nutty professor”) has devoted his entire life to the study of the “planaria” specie worms!  Born and raised in Shivouda, he became obsessed by the planaria when he learned about the immortality attribute of Garistians and he immediately proclaimed that this can only be due to the species of planaria found in Gariston.  Packing two pairs of clean underwear, socks and eight ties in his suitcase (the professor is notoriously absent minded!) he emigrated to Gariston in order to become himself immortal and be able to study the planaria for all eternity!


Elafos Peronosporos (The opposition in Gariston)


A former friend and associate/accomplice/accessory of Nikos Papias, he abandoned the FANEP party in A-1977 and introduced his own party, NESP, that never managed to capture the hearts of Garistians.  His animosity towards Nikos is known to all and he is the only true adversary of the government.

His hate makes him pathetic and often his followers themselves laugh at him!


Iron Antonis (The soul of the Army)


A legendary figure in the Garistian Army, Major Iron Antonis has become a household name due to his unsurpassable courage, bravery beyond words and brawn.  Known to some as “the mad commando” this tough marine with a heart of gold couldn’t hurt a fly, unless of course someone placed his country in danger or insulted his football team!!!  This brave individual, all alone went into the dark, unexplored and potentially dangerous forests of Gariston when the modern day Garistians first arrived.  Risking life and limb, he made sure the area is safe for the people to settle.  As he was the only person on the entire peninsula for three weeks, while the rest of the expedition waited near the coasts, the impact of loneliness combined with the unknown left its mark on him and when the ordeal was over he was never quite the same…

Iron Antonis started waking up from nightmares in cold sweat and started hearing voices.  However, gifted with a powerful personality, he got through all the troubles and recovered!  Until two years ago, in a state of near somnambulism, he would take to the streets writing with spray paint on the walls the messages he cannot keep inside.  Now he is the most respected officer in the Garistian Army and his name strikes TERROR in the hearts of all would-be enemies of Gariston.



Socrates Alatsatos (National DJ)


There is hardly a person in Gariston that hasn’t heard of Socrates Alatsatos and his peculiar laugh.  His childlike character has made him a favorite of all the people and a party in Gariston is not complete without Alatsatos whose house is daily flooded with invitations and requests for appearances.  The premier DJ in Gariston, he never fails to impress people with his extensive knowledge in the most obscure fields of music.  Alatsatos found the source for the music of the Garistian National Anthem and he is presently in charge of the biggest radio station in the country.  He’s busily touring the Anti-Nowhere continent on a sting of lectures at Universities all over the continent.  The philosophy of this grand senior can be summed up in his own words: “E,ne!”, which in Garistonian means “Be healthy & find rare records”!

Professor Kapik


Prof. Kapik is the Director of the National Garistian Institute of Nanotechnology, Physics and Nuclear Research (N.G.I.N.P.NU.R).  Prof. Kapik is second in command in the hierarchy of scientists after the much esteemed Prof. Wobble who is his immediate supervisor.  This, unfortunately, has led to a conflict between these two towering figures of the scientific community in the Northern hemisphere.

After the two men’s collaboration on the Planaria Project, a rift started to appear in their relationship.  Prof. Kapik wishing for more leverage in his research and the decision making process raised the banner of revolt against his one time mentor.  However, the two men were made to make up again after the intense efforts of the Interior Minister and shook hands in a now famous photograph when Iron Antonis convinced them to shake on it (at gunpoint)!  Prof. Kapik is renowned for his incredible achievements, which before him loomed unfathomable, in nanotechnology, advanced robotics and exobiology.  He first proposed altering the genetic makeup of winged monkeys to create remote controlled snipers with incredible finger dexterity far beyond human motor skills to be employed by the Garistian Army, in collaboration with Major Iron Antonis himself!


Guy Gadbois (TV Persona & Playboy)


This highly successful playboy, better known for his cameo role in the first “Pink Panther” film in which none other than legendary Peter Sellers breathed life into his role, is the TV host of “GUY-lty as Sin”.  This weekly broadcast features Guy Gadbois conducting interviews of the most famous as well as wealthy people in Gariston such as Nikos, Makis Vrykolax, the members of the Playboy Club of Garistian Gentlemen (PCGG), actors, singers and VIPS.  The studio in which the interviews take place is a converted mansion where Guy Gadbois sits on one side of a 10 m. long table, on which triple candlesticks stand every one meter, while the guest sits on the other end.  Next to Guy, close to the corner, sits his secretary that types the interview on an antiquated “Smith Corona” typewriter, forgotten by all in complete contrast to the pleasant atmosphere of the show, as she is typically dressed like an old maid, the laughing stock of everyone.  The background, in the winter, features a roaring fireplace, wearing his typical red smoking jacket, while in the summer the décor is round ship windows bringing to mind a yatch and Guy himself dresses up in sailing attire, complete with knee-length shorts and “Nautica” shirts.


Mister Want (Super hero)


Gariston of course has its own super hero: Mister Want.  This particular brand of super hero, however, helps no one!  Instead, wherever he lands, after flying long distances, starts asking people to give him what he desires or asks them to do all sorts of favors for him, like record movies on their videos or give him their belongings like records, books, watches or ever the gum they are chewing at that moment!  This super hero wears a red cape and yellow leotards with pink boxer shorts with little blue elephants and animal slippers with big white rabbit ears.

People, when they see him flying in their direction, start hiding their positions because once Mr. Want starts demanding something, and is not giving what he wants, he uses his super whining power and so potent is this power of sheer nagging that no man can tolerate it.  In a recent interview with Foskolos Kolotoubas, before he ungraciously beat him up, Mr. Want explained how he came to possess the uncanny powers he is master of.  At an early age he wandered into a magical cavern where he found the biggest, most beautiful, most wonderful and most purple mushrooms ever seen by man or beast.  By eating one he became able to fly.  By eating another one, he became able to whine to the maximum degree.  His reason for going there in the first place was the advice of his neighbor Goofius Magus, who has suggested that he seek his fortune in the caverns of Taurus Mountain.  Goofius’ precise words were: “There lies fortune, precious ore and emeralds.  Seek and ye shall find”.  Needless to say, Goofius Magus was once again wrong in his predictions, but a legend was born!



Pidalios Amyalos (painter)


A painter of worldwide renown, Pidalios Amyalos, has created his own style, “oneiroinspire”.  Pidalios was the first artist to systematically paint what he dreams, subjecting himself to odd menus and sleeping pills so that he can have the most bizarre dreams, often watching horror movies before sleeping.  His chosen mediums range from garbage picked from trash cans to mud and flour.  The curator of the National Garistian Museum of Modern Arts in Andelevitsville has referred to him as “the archetypical Garistian artist who brought avant-garde expression out through a tunnel of darkness into the light of visionary dreams”.


Luben Karafluben


Luben Karafluben is a bald man wearing orange color robes who takes to the streets and has the good fortune to attract women without doing anything.  Women assume that this must be an intellectual of rare insight and a philosopher who ponders on the deeper issues affecting mankind.  Instead, Luben Karafluben thinks of nothing, knows nothing and is bald because he is simply too bored to have hair long enough to comb!  IF SOMEONE ASKS HIM WHAT HE THINKS OF IGNORANCE AND INDIFFERENCE, HE WILL SAY “I DON’T KNOW AND I DON’T CARE”…


Chief Inspector Jacques Clouzeau


After his latest debacle in Paris and suffering a midlife crisis, seeing that his colleagues and superiors had lost faith in him, he felt dejected and embarked on a diet of milk and crackers.  The offer of the post of Chief of Police in Gariston, came as a Godsend that he could hardly refuse.  In Gariston he has exhibited incomparable police abilities, sound judgment, tireless devotion to the job as well as becoming an expert backgammon master!


Seventh Loser, Lord Brett Sinclair, Simon Templar


All these individuals are currently residents in the Garistian Commonwealth.  It should be pointed out that all three personages reside in the Commonwealth despite being the same person!  This triple aspect is a fact that must not be confused.


a.         Seventh Loser


This aristocratic thief/burglar/conman, has made a habit of stealing objects he does not need but cannot resist taking!  Suffering from acute kleptomania –being diagnosed by clinical Psychiatrist Thermosifonas Wings himself- he always takes seven pieces of what he steals.  He leaves the clearest clue for the police who do not even have to arrest him as an intimidating phone call to his house is enough to convince him to return the stolen items!


b.         Lord Sinclair


The Lord lives in an impressive mansion in the outskirts of Andelevitsville and he’s always ready to enforce the law if police chief Inspector Clouzeau calls on him.  Of course his friend Danny Wilde lives in a villa adjoining the Lord’s estate.


c.         Simon Templar


He is the Governor of the small island that bears his name and is also willing to help when the need arises.


Captain Lassard and the entire cast of the Police Academy motion picture series


All these wonderful-wonderful people moved to Gariston invited by Dennis Symperasmaticos personally to offer their expertise in training the new Garistian Police recruits.  Under the guidance of Lieutenant Mahoney and the others, Garistian Police officers are considered to be the finest that can be.  Also, Captain Lassard moonlights as Captain on the Triehler Police Force where the Academy is located.


Salts Stratos (Gariston National Team Coach)


Salts Str`atos, the present coach of the GNT was for many years considered a failed lunatic.  His wild outbursts during matches got him expelled more than once and more than one referee has suffered at his hands!  After resigning from the management of VILLE BC FC due to his inability to control his temper in a match against Parouah where he ended up in hand to hand combat with the entire KKK force and the Grand Wizard himself who accused him for the loss, he spend a year in seclusion and refused to see anyone except the same Ville BC fans he had argued with!

Apart from couching the National Team, he is known to offer his services as coach to both Korgull FC (a team he created himself) as well of Apollonia, the team of his hometown, even when those teams are playing against each other!!!  He created Korgull in order to play himself as a player along with his friends and team mates who are members of Voivod, the notorious Canadian Progressive Metal Band.  Apollonia, a relatively new team, is currently in the 3rd division of the Garistian championship.  This team has the distinction of being both the only team of the island of Apollonia and its National Team as well!


Vlassis (The TV Music Star)


After a phenomenally successful career in Greece as musician and television personality, Vlassis headed to Gariston and he’s currently engaged in a new music band playing old Greek rock songs and his own TV Show “Vlassurp!”, that is watch by millions of Garistians every Sunday night!

Bernie Lomax (Mayor of Strisbourg)


Bernie, whose adventures are well documented in the

“Weekend at Bernie’s” comedies, was brought to Gariston by his two captors, Larry and Richard.  As they were rich, they managed to establish themselves in Strisbourg and develop contacts with the business community, making Bernie chairman of K.Y.S. Bank.  After getting him elected to the town council, never leaving his side, they got him to run for mayor and the results proved that their “faith” in Bernie was justified.  Bernie won by a landslide and served as a mayor for two terms before being uncovered and ignominiously losing his seat in the ensuing elections.

Up to that time, Bernie, though dead, lived a life that any man would envy.  He was taken by the two daring young men who wielded his person to the most expensive of hotels, most exotic of islands and traveled first class with champagne, caviar and in the company of beautiful girls!




Eezekiel, the well known figure of the movie “Children of the Corn”, had dedicated his life to the service of the “One He Walks Behind the Rows”.  After enduring many hardships and undergoing mental anguish, suffering depravity and risking life and limb, one day he came to see with his own two eyes the very figure he had worshiped as a god and devoted the quintessence of his being to; it was none other than…professor Wobble!  This revelation, enough to drive any sane man to instant insanity, had a profound effect on Eezekiel who cried in desperation “No, no, it cannot be!  Anything but that!  What have I done!  A life wasted on that clown!”

It should be noted that professor Wobble who was wandering behind the corn on and off for years, was doing so in search of species of Planaria worms and was taken aback when he saw Eezekiel’s outburst.  The professor of course had no idea that Eezekiel and his acolytes had been worship him and committing murders and other vile, hideous, reprehensible and not so nice atrocious actions in his name and at the behest of Joshua!

Eezekiel now can be found wondering the streets of Dehanceville pitied by all who witness this spectacle of a once proud child who is now the laughing stock of the city moaning “no, no, it cannot be!”

The other members of the cult did not share Eezekiel’s fate.  As they did not become pitifully mad, they were apprehended and sentenced to exile from Gariston.


Maysels Veyss


Few men can claim an ancestry as distinguished as Maysels Veyss.  Born to a family of industrialists and with tycoons for grand parents on both sides of the family, he had to worry about nothing else except obtaining an education and the skills that would allow him to carry on the family tradition in excellence and progress.  Great expectations were created and much was awaited from Maysels.  Alas, this was not to be.  Great misfortune struck anyone who came near the young Maysels.

On the very minute of his birth in Kiel, Germany, there was a blackout in the hospital, the obstetrician slipped and broke his leg and the nurses got in a cat fight on learning that they were all dating the same obstetrician!  The future did not prove kind to the people surrounding Veyss either.  Nervous breakdowns, suicides, near fatal mishaps and accidents, marriages to frigid women, allergies, cases of insanity and demonic possessions plagued the family for two decades.  When Veyss senior read in the newspaper about the creation of Gariston, an idea suddenly popped to his mind.  The next day at breakfast he suggested his idea to his son: “Son, you know how loved you are but for the sake of your family, extended family and the whole town, you must get as far away from us as possible.  I discovered a charming place called Gariston.  I’m sure you can prosper there”.  A so it was. 

Maysels Veyss immigrated to Gariston in 1987 (A-1977), just a year before Gariston closed the borders to immigrants.  On his arrival severe floods were recorded round Gariston and temperatures dropped to the lowest point in Garistian history!  Maysels became a resident of Flisbourg.  Despite the misfortune that follows him like a shadow, he found a job with the Flisbourg Police Force under Commander Sledge Hammer.  In time, his colleagues learned how to use his misfortune to capture criminals.  They would send him in the midst of criminals so he would jinx them.  The criminals would be inflicted by the most unpredictable accidents, exotic diseases, cardiac arrests and sudden feelings of remorse!


Goofius Magus


If one walks along the outskirts of Monaco Royal, he cannot fail to notice a rather small but impressive structure resembling to a medieval tower.  This is the home of Goofius Magus, a self-styled magician who has repeatedly attempting to use his sorcery in order to influence political developments or cause harm to individuals who stood up to him and his “shenanigans”.

Goofius Magus is an impressive figure; tall, thin, invariably dressed in black and surrounded by the lesser creatures in life: mice, bats, ravens and black cats.  Even though the weather is often sunny in Monaco Royal, the presence of dark clouds is commonplace over his home!

Goofius Magus’s preoccupation with the occult is not recent.  From an early age he absorbed the knowledge available in books of the occult when he inherited his grand father’s library of rare sixteenth and seventeenth century editions.

His first practical attempt at magic was doomed to failure.  When attempting to cast a spell through a voodoo doll (after studying Roland Maribaud’s book “Les Vaudou Des Aborigines”) Goofius accidentally pricked his finger instead of the doll undergoing extreme pain and had to be rushed to hospital for a tetanus shot as his pin was rusty!

On another occasion, while reading the potent spell with which he was about to vanquish an enemy, the phone rang and being asked his name from an advertiser, he said his name, inadvertently, bringing the spell onto himself.  For an entire year, Goofius Magus lived as a half-blind limping invalid in accordance with his spell!

Goofius’s latest encounter with misfortune was when he lured unsuspecting tourists to his mansion and enticed them to join his newly founded Order of Utter Darkneth (OOUD).  Dressed in black gowns, the novices were called forth by the Grand Wizzard, Goofius Magus himself, and asked to fully accept the Dark One as well as pledge complete obedience as faithful acolytes to the Great Wizard.  Goofius placed himself in the middle of the pentagram and chanted the blackest of spells, calling on Banshees, Soothsayers, Witch Doctors, Fairies, Goblins, Living Gargoyles and the spirit of Alexis Carrington-Colby!  However, the powers that were unleashed and which were aimed against the entire population of Monaco Royal and in particular the Mayor and Town Council (that had decided to construct a road next to Goofius’ mansion which would disturb his peace and quiet), due to a tragic miscalculation struck his own followers, and as they were not Garistians the effects were fatal.  Goofius needed two days to burry the bodies in his front yard.  Goofius later, looking at the gravestones, said: “The only good thing that came from that adventure is that I found suitable decoration from my front yard”!

The well known Garistian biographer of the stars, Lubinus Celebraq, wrote: “Goofius called on everyone that night except the spirit of the wolf that attempted to devour little red riding hood”!  The same biographer also wrote: “Goofius never doubted his powers, his pre-eminence in the league of gifted mages or the fact that he was the greatest sorcerer since Merlin, who, had he still been living, would undoubtedly become his staunch supporter and eager pupil”.

Goofius Magus has not given up his attempts to one day become Master of the Universe but his existence is a lonely one.  Friendless, he walks the streets, laughed at by passers by who pretend to respect him when they see him but point to him mockingly as soon as he walks away.  Suffice it to say that among the fashionable crowds in Monaco Royal, Goofius Magus is known as “the Goofy Magician”…


Black Xeftil`a


The celebrated striker of Ektrom FC, Black Xeftil`a, is a household name in Gariston.  While Ektrom has a permanent place in the first division of Gariston teams, it is far and away the worst team, often conceding 30 goals in a single match!  Black Xeftil`a, though as incompetent as the rest of his team mates, wields the uncanny ability to score goals with the most improbable of ways.  It is not uncommon for him to score accidentally by striking the ball with the ear, hip, back of the neck or the buttocks while bending over to tie his shoe laces!  In Ektrom he is seen as a hero, a living legend and the incarnation of Shaka Zulu!  Of course, in Ville BC he is despised as no other man or beast.  Thrice, angry Villbicians attempted to capture him to parade him “triumphantly” in their KKK ceremonies but could not keep up with him as he easily outrun his pursuers, being an athlete.  Black Xeftil`a, despite his successes does not participate in the Garistian National Team as Villbicians have threatened to use force in the event of his participation!




The chief characteristic of the city of Grastamberg is an inhabitant by the name of Korgull.  Korgull is a tram driver who loves to run over pedestrians as they are crossing the tram lines.  Of course, this being Gariston, no one dies.  For this reason people in the city don’t mind being run over too much.

Korgull, as many techno-psycho-metal fans will know, was the original inspiration of Away, the leading figure of the Canadian band Voivod, whose entire concept as a band was technology gone wild.

Having heard of Korgull, the band members traveled to Gariston to meet this inspiring savage figure from up close.  It should be noted that Korgull is also president of the same-titled third division football team that Voivod set up in his honour.  This team, Korgull FC is currently struggling to advance to the 2nd division with the inspiring guidance of Salts Stratos.


Mamfredas Hourhoulidis (Leviathan Hunter)


The great beast that is said to inhabit the oceans of our World has been spotted of the coasts of Volpan Island.  While some call this a hoax, akin to that of the Loch-Ness monster, Mamfredas Hourhoulidis, has taken the sighting of this sea beast seriously and intents to bring it to the surface for all to see.  He has not spared expences, resources, man power or time (which could have been spent much wiser listening to Progressive rock music) to accomplish this task.



Vudovlak is an uncanny being whose exact potential is unknown.  Famed to be an invincible Mesopotamian deity, Vudovlak was found in the remote caverns overlooking the area that settled by Garistians in A-1972 and became the city of Amityville.  It was Prof. Kapik who led the expedition that uncovered a number of obscure and inexplicable fossils.  The expedition accidentally broke the sealed door that held the mighty Vudovlak prisoner in oblivion.  Ever since that fateful day, Vudovlak has been asking for the permission to be resurrected by Prof Kapik, the only person who can grant that wish, in accordance with the ancient laws of finders-keepers.

The possible Vampiric dimensions of his personality and the royal Sumerian bloodline that  may run in his phantom veins, have made him both a figure of worship by certain locals, Balaldig residents, desperate teenagers and old maids as well as an object of fear, contempt and scorn by the scientific community.  Prof Kapik yearly turns down Vudovlak’s requests for resurrection.



Everyone’s favorite cartoon character, especially in Gariston may very well be living of the shores of one of the rocky islets of Tsiapis Islands Territory.  Though evidence is scant, there are those who claim to have seen either Spongebob or certain of his friends while scuba diving.  Many believe that the fans of Spongebob have actually uncovered his location but keep their mouth shut for fear of harm that may come.



A peculiar class of citizens in Gariston is the “travelers” who are in the habit of making extensive use of Gariston’s busses, as they are lonely creatures and seek the succor of the commuters.  Their antics and overall behavior has made them legends in our country.


The Knight: The so-called “Knight” likes to get on busses and release his imagination.  He lowers his knees and making quick jumping movements, he reminds one of a jockey riding a horse.  He then finds a seat and gently caresses the side of the bus as if it is a horse.  He is of course harmless and there is no person unhappy to see him.


The Playboy: This traveler should not be confused with any of the members of the Playboy Club.  “Playboy” typically dresses like an exaggerated stereotype of a seventies Italian or Yugoslavian playboy.  His attire includes red scarf, shiny green suit and yellow shirt.  Numerous golden chains dangling from his neck and his golden watch convey the image of an aging babe hound.  His pompidou hair and manly moustache complete the picture of the sexy lady’s man.


The Carols Singer: In Gariston it is a tradition for little children to go from house to house early in the morning on the days before Christmas and the New Year, as in Greece, singing the carols, clanking on a little metallic triangle, whose sound accompanies the singing.  The man or woman of the house rewards these children with a small amount of money.  The Carols Singer however usually gets on busses late at night, well after the New Year and, clanking on the triangle, he hollers (screams no words).  Because of his menacing appearance, certain middle aged women offer him money.


Pepsi Max: “Pepsi Max” is a truly enigmatic personality.  He get some busses, with headphones on his ears, holding a can of Pepsi Max.  He then places the can on top of the small box containing tourist guide brochures and maps (that exists on all busses in Gariston).  Of course, when the bus starts moving, the can drops to the floor and then, shocked, surprised and in disbelief, “Pepsi Max” starts making grumbling noises, pointing to the can.  It is not unusual for an exasperated passenger to get up and kick the can out of the bus.  This class of individuals is known as “Scorers”.




In Gariston there are numerous expressions for any conceivable type of personality.


For example, “Jonathan” means an utterly worthless person, undeserving of any respect.


Manolakis refers to a tall fat person going bald who is nevertheless in the company of women.


Tsutsekoides is used with regard to teenagers who are annowing and deserve a thorough thrashing (beating).


Kilaras is used for the bus drivers on the Ville BC-Eschvinill route, who are typically fat, ill-tempered and late.


Kolathra means a shapely woman.


“Jason” refers to people who are urged to abandon their posts but still refuse to give up their comfortable position in an Organization.  The inspiratory for this term comes from the “Friday the 13th” movies where the protagonist just refuses to die and stay dead!


Hashishomytis means a contractor who builds high-rise office buildings that are eyesores.


Mothra refers to a nagging mother who never leaves her children or her husbands at peace.



The Government of the Armed Tyrannical Republic of Gariston