The Armed Tyrannical Republic of Gariston


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Gariston’s Olympic Committee (G.O.C.)


President: Zluth Ulmor

Secretary: Dialymos Emvoukalos

Treasurer: Lof Lurpaq


Gariston’s athletes once again failed to achieve any success in the “Athens 2004” Olympics, disappointing, as they usually do, the population of our country.  Suffice it to say that the highest ranking Garistian athlete in the whole Olympiad was Xoflymen Poulitaris who finished in the 74th position in the Marathon, a success duly celebrated in his home town of Balaldig.


The athletes that comprised the Garistian team were:

Xoflymen Poulitaris (marathon) from Balaldig

Nerokouvalitis Anerotos (triple jump) from Triehler

Anerotos Anerastos (his cousin) (high jump) from Andelevitsville

Zoulos Laskaros (100m) from Etienne

Stamatimenos Greg (pole vault) from Ville BC.


Gariston Sports Federation (G.S.F)

This vast Dederation, presided by Maximos Kraximos Xanthippos includes all the athletic Associations of the country and is responsible for the allocation of State funds to the Associations.  Since its creation in A-1973 by Trapezomantilor Kokinos and Koubias Trienas, the GSF boasts numerous Pancontinental successes.

The G.S.F. includes the following Associations:


Gariston FOOTBALL Association – G.F.A.

Gariston BASKET Association – G.B.A.

Gariston VOLLEY Association – G.V.A.

Gariston KRASKET Association – G.K.A.

Gariston SWIMMING Association – G.S.A.

Gariston HANDBALL Federation – G.H.F

Gariston DIVING Association – G.D.A.

Gariston SAILING Federation – G.SA.F.

Gariston TRACK & FIELD Association – G.T.F.A.

Gariston Association Of MOUNTAIN SLIDING – G.A.M.S.

MISCELLANIOUS Sports Association - M.S.A.


Gariston Football Association (G.F.A.) is responsible for this popular sport in the Garistian State and also in Apollonia and Tsiapis Islands territories.  In the G.F.A page you will be able to see all the details about this very popular sport in our country.


Gariston's Association of Mountain Sliding (G.A.M.S)
One of the most popular Sports in Gariston -after the football of course- is Mount Sliding.  A common topic of conversation every Friday in the work place is this sport which most Garistians participate in in the weekend.
The objective of this sport is to slide head first from a mountain top all the way to the bottom.  The participants bump into rocks, bushes and trees, injuring every conceivable part of their bodies but as they are immortal, they survive with only light scratches.  The same cannot be said for tourists who decide to participate without having the benefit of immortality or being immune to serious fractures, mutilations or brain damage.  Whoever makes the best time wins. The Mount Sliding champion is Eduardo Castro who has broken his ribbs 34 times, but still dominates the Sport.  Efforts are being made to make Mount Sliding an Olympic Sport, although the chances of this happening are slim.


Gariston Basket Association (G.B.A)


Basketball has always been popular in Gariston and the early creation of the Association in A-1972 attests to this.  Komis Filippos dominates the courts as he is by far the best player.

As people do not age in Gariston, the players never stop play due to advanced age.  Over the last decade, the top-2 teams of the League have been Bierhaus Mugen (from Grolsch of course!) and People’s Insanity from Minotauria Island.

Bierhaus Mugen won the Pancontinental Championship in the C-1975/76 season (2005-6 for the rest of the World).

Chairman of the G.B.A. is Barlaam Zioudros.  The first division includes 32 teams which are divided in 4 territorial leagues.  Teams advance from their category to the next after play-off games.  Apart from the two aforementioned teams, other important clubs are Tribal Convinction (Triehler), Potato Eaters (Dehanceville), Andelevitsville B.C., etc.


Gariston Volley Association (G.V.A)


Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the country (especially when it comes to the female teams) and the GVA was set up in B-1971, by Tikpasanoudis Illigos, who is still the Chairman of the Association.

The most important men’s teams are Hartines Karekles (Trighl), Glass Crashers (Ville BC) and Snake Charmers (Balaldig).  The top female teams are Kolos Imbilos (Enzer), Hamuroboutes (Monaco Royal) and Hazovioles (Flisbourg).


Gariston Swimming Association (G.S.A)


The large plethora pf swimming pools (“pyoools” as Inspector Clouzeau whould say) gave many swimmers the idea of establishing the GSA.  ¾ of Gariston are surrounded by sea and as our country is a maritime power, Gariston is expected to always compete for the gold in the Pancontinental Championships.  In fact, Gariston has won more medals than any other country of the Anti-Nowhere Continent in Swimming.


Gariston Diving Association (G.D.A)


The virtues of diving became apparent to Gariston athletes after intently observing their female counterparts in their bikinis (70’s style).  It should be noted that all athletes of the Garistian Olympic Diving team are avid fans of Spongebob Squarepants and never miss an episode.  The GDA was established by Spongebill Triangleshoes who adopted this name after viewing the first episode of Bob!


Gariston Krasket Association (G.K.A)


Krasket is a Gariston-only sport created by Nikos in A-1970 and is one of the biggest sports after football.  It is played by two teams of 5 persons each in an indoor stadium with rackets and a ball.

Gariston Handball Federation

Gariston Handball Federation (G.H.F)


One of the smallest sport associations in Gariston, GHF, is composed of the 6 regional Handball Associations which form the National and 8 regional leagues.  GHF was established in B-1978 by Trapezomantilor Kokinos and Tasakis Adios who were also pioneers of this sport.


Gariston Track & Field Association (G.T.F.A)


GTFA is one of the biggest Associations in Gariston as it includes many sports in which Garistian athletes brought many medals back home.  Important moments in the history of the GTFA are the smashing of the Pancontinental 100 meters dash record by Sifounas Sifonis in A-1974 and the pole vault record by Ypsos Dioptras in A-1979 which still stands.

The Association was founded by Gymnokolos Fotias in A-1972.

Gariston Sailing Federation (G.SA.F)


The world famous Garistian sailors are famed to be the best of the Continent and the fact that Gariston has never won an Olympic medal is attributed to sabotage by the envious, opponents of our sailing team.

The Federation was established in A-1973 by Sir Kodrington Kopanos in Andelevitsville.


Miscellanious Sports Association of Gariston (M.S.A.G)
This Association includes sports with few participants such as Cycling, Tennis, Fancing, Squash, Ping-Pong, Bowling, Billiard, Kanoe-Kayak, Skiing, Boxing, Hokey (ice & grass), Martial Arts, etc.  The Association has resisted intence efforts by Villebicians (supported by Grolschians) to include Beer Drinking as a Sport!  The Association also rejected Black Thrashing as a sport, outraging Villebicians.

Gariston Olympic Comitee (G.O.C.)
Gariston Sports Federation (G.S.F)